Friday, April 24, 2009

Seminal video clips of the 80s

No special reason, just a couple of the songs I loved at the time, and which I still get a kick out of today. Part one in a (possible) series.

BRONKSI BEAT - Smalltown Boy

I can still remember the first time I saw this clip on Countdown; I was a gay teenager growing up in a small country town where I was bullied on an almost weekly basis, and you wouldn't believe just how much this clip resonated for me at the time...

THE BUREAU - Only For Sheep

Not quite sure why this one has always stuck with me, the jaunty ska rhythm aside. Maybe because it was one of the first examples of a song excoriating the emptiness of the 9-to-5 working routine?


So I had strange taste at 15. So sue me.

ADAM AND THE ANTS - Stand and Deliver

"It's kind of hard to tell a scruff the big mistake he's making." Wiser words were never spoken, Adam old son.


conrad said...

love that Men Without Hats clip.

Rick said...

I didn't know The Bureau... thanks for bringing this to my attention. I always had a soft spot for ska.

DaveyB said...

Ah Bronski glad to find that somewhere other than the recesses of my own mind!

Anonymous said...

I was a straight teenager growing up in a small country town where I was bullied on an almost weekly basis and Small Town Boy resonated with me.

richardwatts said...

Anon - ain't it grand that music crosses all boundaries?!